Terms of Use

Terms and Conditions for Trainers 

This agreement is made between NobleProg and the Trainer (reference to "the Trainer" shall refer also to "the Consultant"). No change to this agreement or terms shall be binding unless agreed in writing by NobleProg.

If the trainer delivers services to a Franchisee or Agent of NobleProg, the terms shall be binding between the Franchisee or the Agent and the Trainer.


Trainer's Remuneration 
The Trainer's remuneration is usually expressed as a daily rate for a specific course. In most cases the daily rate is negotiated with the Trainer for each course individually. 
Remuneration is paid 30 days after the last day of the course. 
Training Course Materials: The training course materials can be provided by: 
        ●  NobleProg, from NobleProg training materials repository
        ●  Third Party, usually during exam preparation or vendor authorized training
        ●  The Trainer 
In the case of the Trainer providing us with the training course materials, the Trainer can charge us separately or can include the charge in the trainer's daily rate. The training course materials must be either branded as NobleProg or must not be branded as any other training providers. 
Should the trainer cancel a training on short notice (7 days or less before the start of the training), NobleProg can charge the trainer for a related loss of business up to 25% of the total amount of lost sales as a penalty for breach of contract.

Quality Control 
New Trainers 
In most cases, during the first training course, the Trainer will be assisted by our trainer or quality controller. 

Trainer's Responsibility and Accountability 
After a training course has been delivered, we ask our clients to complete a 'Training Evaluation Form' (TEF), so we know whether a client is satisfied or not. 

If the average of results in the trainer section of the TEF is below 4.0, we can investigate the cause of client's dissatisfaction. 

If the cause of client's dissatisfaction is related to poor quality of the trainer's preparation, teaching skills or lack of knowledge, NobleProg can lower the Trainers remuneration down to 30% of the previously agreed amount. 

NobleProg will try to rectify the damage to the NobleProg brand by offering the client the course with another trainer. 
Training Course Materials and Software
Training course materials and software can be provided by NobleProg, a Third Party, or by the Trainer. 

NobleProg Training Materials and Software 
In the case of NobleProg providing the training course material, the Trainer cannot use the training course material for other purpose. 
The trainer can modify the NobleProg training course materials, but all modification made to the training course materials have to be returned to NobleProg (e.g. by editing the https://training-course-material.com site) 

Trainer Training Material and Software

If the Trainer provides their own training material and software, the Trainer takes full responsibility for compliance with appropriate copyrights and licenses. 


Submitting New Course Outlines

The Trainer can create course outlines using hr.nobleprog.com website or by sending the outlines to NobleProg via email.

In the case where NobleProg is involved in publishing the outlines on the nobleprog.co.uk website, NobleProg will clearly assign the Trainer as the author of the outline.

We reserve the right to unpublish training course outlines or remove them completely. 

Copyrights to a Course Outline

By submitting a course outline, the Trainer agree to lease said course outline to NobleProg, free of charge, but the Trainer will keep all rights to it, including copyright and moral rights.

The Trainer can withdraw their consent by unpublishing or removing the course outline from our website. 

Other Trainers, NobleProg Moderators 
If NobleProg or one of the other Trainers make any amendments and the author does not object to them, NobleProg or a Trainer will own the copyrights to the changes. The author cannot reproduce or use the modified outline(s) without written permission from NobleProg. 

Course Outlines and Training Provision

We will ask the Trainer, as the author of the course, in the first instance to provide the training. If the author cannot provide the course, you agree, to one of the NobleProg Trainers providing the course. 

No Third Parties Or Recruitment Agencies 
We will not accept registrations from recruitment agencies or third parties working on behalf of the trainer. These registrations will be immediately removed for reasons of breaching NobleProg's policies. 

When undertaking a training assignment you must observe all health and safety rules and regulations and any other security requirements that apply at any premises of authorized service recipients and to notify NobleProg as soon you are aware of any health and safety hazards or issues which arise in relation to the Service. 

The Trainer (and any other parties introduced by the Client to NobleProg representatives directly or indirectly) will not, under any circumstances, conduct any direct communication with Client representative (or parties introduced by them directly or indirectly) without prior approval in writing from NobleProg. In any case where the Client directly contacts the Trainer, the Trainer is obliged to immediately inform NobleProg about any such contact attempts. Any loss of actual or future business resulting from such negotiations will be charged to the Trainer at a rate of £3000 per day for each man day of lost business or at the value of the lost business whichever is greater. This clause does not exclude charging the Client according to Terms and Conditions. 

Until twelve months after completion of the Training Event or termination of the agreement, whichever is the later, neither party (unless agreed otherwise in writing) will solicit the employment or services of any personnel of the other party who has been engaged in connection with the Agreement. Liquidated damages for breach of this provision will be equal to the gross salary or fees of that person for the first twelve months of his new employment or service contract, or £650,000 whichever is the higher. 

The trainer shall at all times keep confidential, and shall not at any time for any reason disclose or permit to be disclosed to any person or otherwise make use of or permit to be made use of any information relating to the client’s business methods, plans, systems, finances, projects, trade secrets or provision of products or services to which it attaches confidentiality or in respect of which it holds an obligation to a third party. At the conclusion or termination for whatever reason the trainer shall deliver to the client all working papers or other material and copies provided to it pursuant to this Agreement. 

Please note: The trainers terms and conditions may be updated from time to time and the Trainer will be notified about this via email. The Trainer will simply need to accept or decline the changes made. 

I declare myself agreeing with the terms and conditions of NobleProg.